This is my first review post in here.
I usually do Blogs in Thai language since most of my friends are Thai, then I start to think about making an English blog too to practice my English skill and also hoping that more people can enjoy reading my blog.
Anyway, let's start with a review of my No. 1 favorite figure (as of the day of post).
Black Magician Girl (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
In some places, they call her "Dark Magician Girl" instead of "Black Magician Girl"
I guess it's because the word "Black Magic" is too negative? (Dark Magic doesn't really sound better to me though)
In some country, *coughthailandcough*, manga translated her name as "Black Magician Ga-ru"
Which is extremely incorrect! She's not a duck from a pirate manga. (One Piece: Carue, Vivi's pet)
Originally, this character is from a game card called "Duel Monsters", a.k.a. "Yu-Gi-Oh! Card"
I used to be a maniac of this card game for a while.
And I collected 3 types of BMG (Abbreviate from Black Magician Girl) card.
Original Version (I got 3 of this LOL)
First Errata'd Version (Such a fantasy name, it's really just a "version 2")
and a Toon World Version
The cards that I have are Japanese Version.
If it's International Version, the Star-of-David sign is replaced with a plain ruby, and her bust line remove (WHY!? That's her charm!!!)
If it's International Version, the Star-of-David sign is replaced with a plain ruby, and her bust line remove (WHY!? That's her charm!!!)
(Hotlink Picture from YuGiOh.Wikia)
Then I stopped collecting the cards because it's too much. There are just too many version and remakes.
About this character:
Black Magician Girl
Element: Darkness
Level: 6 Stars
Attack Point: 2000
Attack Name: Black Burning (English Version: Dark Magic Attack, Dark Burning Attack)
Defence Point: 1700
Special Skill: Every "Black Magician" card in player and opponent's graveyard, increase BMG's attack by 300 points.
Black Magician is set to be BMG's teacher.
So it's something like student going after revenge for her teacher. LMAO
In manga, her attack point increase by 500 points, but when actual card came out, they adjust to 300 points only.
And that made her not so useful, even though she's extremely "moe"
Even if you have 3 Black Magician in grave, she still cannot win against Blue Eyes White Dragon (Atk: 3000)
In the "Dawn of the Duel" Arc, you'll see a character that is similar to BMG.
Her name is "Mana"
In anime, she has dark brown hair; but in manga, she's blonde.
According to the story, BMG is Mana's "Ka" (Egyption Spirit Monster)
The Ka's sealed in a stone slab, was later found by Pegasus and convert into card game.
Though the story is like this, but I truely believe that it's because BMG is very popular (due to her sexy costume), the write decided to reuse the character and created Mana.
Credit: Yugioh.Wikia & Google
Huh? Heroine is Anzu?
Who's Anzu???? (LMAO)
Before going into the actual review.
This review contain pictures of this figurine's underwear without any censorship.
Though it is not sexually explicit content, but partly because of her naughty action.
This is considered as PNSFW (Probably Not Safe For Work)
However, I will hide them with spoiler tag. So you won't accidentally see those pictures.
Black Magician Girl - Kotobukiya PVC 1/7
This is one of the figurines that I pre-ordered before checking its price (LOL)

(Click on the thumbnails to see larger picture)
Overall, the box is pretty. But I think the color tone is too childish.
So the looks more like a cheap toy that can be broung in convenient stores.
Another complain is with the cuts of the box.
On the side, the cupboard was cut into a heart shape
And because of its shape, the pointy part sticks out and always caught on other boxes
Overall, the box is pretty. But I think the color tone is too childish.
So the looks more like a cheap toy that can be broung in convenient stores.
Another complain is with the cuts of the box.
On the side, the cupboard was cut into a heart shape
And because of its shape, the pointy part sticks out and always caught on other boxes
Inside the box:
Background inside the box
The rainbow color reflection is quite nice.
A manual that shows you how to change her face,
and inserting dild... I mean... staff/wand into her hole.... I mean.... hand
A manual that shows you how to change her face,
and inserting dild... I mean... staff/wand into her hole.... I mean.... hand
Inside the package, she's wrapped with lots of plastic bag
In various angles
Her hat is removable
As you can see that it will leaves a big hole in her head for the pivot on the hat to attach to her head.
Also, there's a gap between her front hair and back.
Kotobukiya should have done a better work with this since her hat covered most of her head, so I don't think it is necessary to have that pivot.
Even a Nendoroid Kudryavka managed to have her hat stays firmly on her head without a pivot.
So I prefer leaving the hat on to cover the lines and hole.
Also, there's a gap between her front hair and back.
Kotobukiya should have done a better work with this since her hat covered most of her head, so I don't think it is necessary to have that pivot.
Even a Nendoroid Kudryavka managed to have her hat stays firmly on her head without a pivot.
So I prefer leaving the hat on to cover the lines and hole.
Second face expression given in the box is a cheerful face
I love this expression a lot. She looks so naughty that I wanna punish her by ....*censored*
I love this expression a lot. She looks so naughty that I wanna punish her by ....*censored*
Following by closer look on her body.
Her breasts look so full and bouncy!
( >w<)b+ Good Job Kotobukiya~
Seriously, can I have a bite?
Her white legs peeking out from her skirt slits.
Fingers around the wand are done nicely. and the gems on her wrist look great
Normally, you won't see her back because her hair is in the way.
So you need to remove her head to get this shot.
I personally found the headless figurines to be kind of eerie, so I prefer using camera angles to hide the fact that it IS headless.
Her top (breasts) looks lovely, her bottom (butts) is on par too.
Her top (breasts) looks lovely, her bottom (butts) is on par too.
Uggh! Just a bit lower! Q(>M<)
I'd say she does have really nice upper legs.
A bit of paint scratch here
To insert or remove the wand from her hands, you need to take off the wand's head.
Then insert/remove from behind.
Hands without wand is a bit......*nosebleed*
Enough with teasers
I know that most of you are waiting for this shot.
Click to see her panty shots...
Next is the base, a pentagon star and runes around it.
The runes are convex from the gap to gives a "depth" feeling.
The base it self is also a bit glossy, so there is a bit of her reflection on it.
Taking photo with the background inside the box
If I do a bit more lighting work, I could've got a better picture
First is the weakest monster in Yu-Gi-Oh!, but very useful if used properly.
Kuriboh is a very low level monster with low attack point and defence point
But because of its special skill, it makes Kuriboh a useful card to have in hand.
With this card on hand, you can sacrifice Kuriboh to nullify opponent's attack.
2nd miscellaneous
A roll of paper of something.....?
Oh, it's a drawing of BMG in the same pose
=3= But not as cute as the figure.
As a conclusion, I'm very happy with this figurine a lot.
It's cute, it's sexy, but it's not sexually explicit. Not much figurines are like this.
When putting her cards around her, it looks very awesome.
"Summon Black Magician Girl!"
My only complain about this figure would be....
Why isn't it castoffable!?
Just joking.
If Kotobukiya made it castoffable, costume will become a bit oversized and not fitting to the body as nice as current one.
And that's the end of this loooong entry with a little special gift for visitors of my blog
Sisaka-Chan~❤ in Black Magician Girl costume
If you have any comments or suggestion, please feel free to share it.
See you next entry. \=/(^-^)
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